Invitasjon til webinar om liquid biopsy i kreftbehandling
Roche inviterer deg til å delta på webinar om liquid biopsy. Dette gir en fin mulighet å utveksle erfaringer og lære av to ledende eksperter om verdien av denne teknologien i daglig klinisk behandling av kreftpasienter.
Dr Jordi Remón vil snakke om den kliniske verdien av liquid biopsy i tidlige sykdomsfaser, og muligheten for å identifisere prediktive og prognostiske biomarkører ved valg av immunterapi.
Dr Clara Montagut vil diskutere den kliniske verdien av liquid biopsy til evaluering av behandlingsrespons og monitorering av resistensutvikling.
- Welcome and introduction (Gilles Erb, Roche)
- Clinical value of liquid biopsy in early disease and for immunotherapy selection
(Dr Jordi Remón) 15 min
- Clinical value of liquid biopsy to evaluate treatment response and monitor resistance
(Dr Clara Montagut) 15 min
- Technical challenges of measuring variant allele frequencies
(Foundation Medicine, TBD) 10 min
- Discussion and Q&A
15 min
Dr Jordi Remón Masip, MD
Head of Thoracic Medical Oncology
HM Delfos Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Remón is a medical oncologist specialised in thoracic malignancies. He worked for 10 years at Hospital de Mataró before spending 2 years at the Gustave Roussy Institute in Paris. During his stay, he acquired advanced training in the multidisciplinary management of thoracic tumours and conducted reference studies addressing the incorporation of liquid biopsy in molecularly-guided treatment decision making.
Dr Clara Montagut Viladot, MD
Head Gastrointestinal Cancer
Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Montagut is a medical oncologist, currently leading a team of clinical and translational research in novel therapies and biomarkers at the Hospital del Mar. Since 2012, Dr Montagut is professor at the Pompeu Fabra University. She is also associated with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, where she conducts research on liquid biopsy and immunotherapy in colon cancer. Dr Montagut has led and participated in a large number of national and international clinical trials in gastrointestinal cancer.